iPhone Tips and Tricks #11 What Is Your iPhone Serial Number Telling You

If haven’t cracked the code of your iPhone’s serial number yet, then you are missing out on a chance to get to know some very interesting details about your device.  Today, we will help you know what your iPhone Serial Number really stands for. It contains information about the week your device was manufactured, the factory your iPhone was made as well as the color of your device and its storage size.


iPhone tips and tricks, iPhone serial number

Before we start analyzing your serial number lets first help you find it. Your serial number is available in many places. The easiest way to find it is to locate it in you Settings app. simply, head to ‘General’, tap ‘About’ then select ‘Serial Number’.

Now that you know your serial number, let’s find out what these numbers stand for. Serial numbers on iPhone devices come in a standard form which is AABCCDDDEEF.

  • Now AA stands for the factory and machine ID

  • B stands for the year which your device was manufactured in. this one digit represents the last number of the year of manufacture (for example: 2011 would be represented as 1and 2012 would be represented as 2)

  • CC  tells us the exact week of production

  • DDD is a unique identifier

  • And EEF represents the iPhone model, color of device and size of storage.

Now here is the key to this part:

VR0iPhone 2GSilver4 GB
WH8iPhone 2GSilver8 GB
0KHiPhone 2GSilver16 GB
Y7HiPhone 3GBlack8 GB
3NPiPhone 3GBlack16 GB
3NRiPhone 3GBlack32 GB
3NQiPhone 3GBlack16 GB
3NSiPhone 3GWhite32 GB
A4SiPhone 4Black16 GB
A4TiPhone 4Black32 GB
E00iPhone 4White32 GB

Let’s look at an example on an example to solve this puzzle.

The serial number 79049XXXA4S indicates the following:

AA= Factory 79 (presumably Foxconn)

B= Manufactured year 2010

CC= in the 49th week

EEF= Black iPhone 4 16 GB

CDMA iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S serial codes cannot be decoded as easily but if you have one of these devices then you might want to head to this website to know what your serial number means. However, the only mistake that you will see in decoding is that it will wrongly tell you that your iPhone 4S is the sixth iPhone generation.

Stay tuned for more Tips and Tricks.


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