AT&T Will Start Unlocking Off-Contract iPhones This Sunday

Well here’s some good news that will make your day looks great.. From some time ago we reported for you that Tim Cook the CEO of Apple sent message to AT&T  and forced them to unlock customer’s iPhone and everyone loved these news as too many people who are running their devices on AT&T carrier didn’t get the chance to unlock their devices. But today the folks at Engadget reported that AT&T will start unlocking off-contract iPhones this Sunday which is going to be on April 8th..

The report from Engadget says that Sunday 8th April will be a new day for iPhone users who are looking to unlock their devices as they have received an  anonymous tip that the US carrier will start unlocking off-contract iPhones starting April 8th…

“We’ve just received word of a spicy strategy change, to be enacted this Sunday, that’s sure to please the AT&T iPhone-loving masses. On Easter, select Ma’ Bell customers with iPhones–those off-contract with accounts in good standing–will be able to request a carrier unlock for their device.”

With these news Apple users will be able to unlock their devices on April 8th and use any compatible GSM carrier around the globe — making it perfect for folks who want to take the handset with them while traveling abroad.

Right now we didn’t get any official announcements from AT&T telling us about this move from them.. But we probably going to hear something interesting in the upcoming few hours.. Stay tuned with us..


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  2. That's Amazing. They are doing a very great job,but I can't get my iPhone 4 unlocked through AT&T since I am Still under contract. Anyway,I unlocked my iPhone 4 using Remote Unlock Service provided by for a price(much less than early termination fee). They also provide Unlocking Services for many other GSM phones .


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