Get Cydia Update Notifications With Curiosa Jailbreak Tweak For iPhone

Are you an avid Cydia user? Well I am and it has always bothered me that Cydia does not natively notify me when updates to packages I would like to download are available. The thing with Apple’s App Store is that it does notify when updates are available, but Cydia, which I use way more than App Store, doesn’t do that. Courtesy of popular developer Ryan Petrich, there’s a new jailbreak tweak called Curiosa which does exactly that in an amazing way.

Ryan Petrich is a well known jailbreak tweak developer for iOS devices. His various tweaks for jailbroken devices are well known with Cydia users. He has his own repository where these tweaks are uploaded and can be generally downloaded for free. Yes, even Curiosa jailbreak tweak for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch is available for free from Ryan’s own repository, which is

It was Ryan who first started working on an idea for a tweak which would notify users when updates to jailbreak tweaks were made available in Cydia. Later, a tweak named Aptdate was released for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch which did exactly that. However now Ryan has launched his own tweak, called Curiosa. Both of these tweaks are no different in terms of functionality, however Curiosa offers in depth options which can be accessed via the Curiosa menu in

Curiosa jailbreak tweak offers greater functionality. For example users can set specific keywords for which relevant Cydia tweak update notifications will be displayed to the user. Users can also set refresh intervals so that notifications are displayed in a timely manner, without draining the precious battery life. Curiosa jailbreak tweak is really very useful for those who are ardent Cydia users. Obviously, to use this tweak you must have a jailbroken iPhone, iPad or iPod touch.


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