How To Use Seas0nPass for a Tethered Boot

We have discussed earlier Seas0nPass tethered jailbreak for your Apple TV in a previous post. Today, we will tell you exactly how to get started with Seas0n pass and assist you with a few easy steps for you to follow.


For some Apple TV softwares it is necessary that use a tethered boot like Seas0nPass. A tethered boot requires that you plug your Apple TV to your computer while you are starting up. You should later disconnect your Apple TV once you are done restoring in iTunes. We will help you on this issue; just follow our step by step guide below.

How To Use Seas0nPass for a Tethered Boot:

Step 1: Open Seas0nPass and choose ‘Boot Tethered’ from the available options.

Jailbreak, Apple Tv2, ios 5.1, how to

Step 2: Next, using a USB connect your Apple TV to your computer.

Step 3: Once you see a flashing light connect the power to your device.

Step 4: Now hold both the ‘Menu’ and ‘Pay/Pause’ buttons simultaneously for seven continuous seconds.

Apple tv 5.1 jailbreak, tethered boot’

Step 5: Wait for Seas0nPass to complete the tethered boot.

Step 6: You can now disconnect the USB cable and plug in the HDMI cable instead. Once you see the sign saying ‘Tethered boot complete! It is safe to disconnect USB.’

tethered boot

It is very simple and easy to use. We hope you found this piece useful. Also you can follow our step by step guide to jailbreak Apple TV 2 on iOS 5.1 with Seas0nPass.

Feel free to write to us if you are having any trouble with Seas0nPass by writing to us in the comments’ section below.


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