Sprint Says It will offer Unlimited Data Plan For The Next iPhone

Yes what you heard is right, as we all know Apple is going to release a new iPhone in the coming few months and we all excited to see it, today and according to a report from CNET which claims that Sprint has just confirmed it will offer unlimited data plan for Apple’s next iPhone which makes it a big deal in order to attract customers to the carrier even if the new device supports LTE.

If the next iteration of the iPhone arrives with LTE, Sprint will continue to offer a no-strings unlimited plan, CEO Dan Hesse told CNET. The company is already sticking with unlimited for its first batch of LTE phones, but it was unclear whether the offer would apply to next iPhone.
“I’m not anticipating the unlimited plan would change by that point,” said CEO Dan Hesse. “That’s our distinctive differentiator”

So what do you think about this news ?! Are you going to be a Sprint user or not ?! Share your thoughts about this news which I find it a big deal that will change Sprint forever.


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