Ashton Kutcher to Play the Leading Role in “Jobs”

After the Steve Jobs died, he turned into a legend. Everybody became interested all of a sudden in the most personal details of his life. This was clearly seen by the public’s response to Walter Isaacson’s book of Steve’s biography. Now a separate project is being planned, a movie named “Jobs”.


ashton kutcher, steve jobs

“The film will chronicle Steve Jobs from wayward hippie to co-founder of Apple, where he became one of the most revered creative entrepreneurs of our time.”

The leading role, which will of course be playing Steve Job, is said to be played by the amazing actor “Ashton Kutcher”.  Kutcher was first introduced as “Michael Kelso” in a sitcom called “That 70’s Show” and played what could be looked at as a goofy comedy part. After his success, he later starred in many movies such as “Butterfly Effect” and “Valentine’s Day” may be looking at a life time opportunity this time.

What really came to Ashton’s advantage is the great similarity in looks between the two. Just look at Steve Jobs 1977 photo and compare it with that of Ashton Kutcher. However, it would take a lot more than looks for Ashton to rise up to the challenge as Steve Jobs was far from an ordinary person and there were so many different levels to his character.

The production of the movie is said to start in May, when Kutcher’s “Two and a Half Men” sitcom is in between seasons.

Do you think Ashton Kutcher good play Jobs’ role the way it should be?


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