Do You Think Hackers Should Wait For iOS 6 To Release The Next Jailbreak ?!

In these few days, hackers like Pod2G are working on iOS 5.1 untethered jailbreak and they almost there just step away from releasing the jailbreak for 5.1 users who are facing the Tethered jailbreak which I am one of them, anyway if you were following Pod2G latest news he made a question on his official blog

entitled: “Shall we hold off the jailbreak for iOS 6?” and he let Apple users vote for yes or no, and right now I am going to explain for you why Pod2G should wait and not to release his untethered jailbreak in 5.1 and wait after Apple release iOS 6.

A couple of days ago Pod2G said that he have found the exploit for the iOS 5.1 and he could release it in the upcoming few weeks. But In my opinion and I think everyone will agree with me as Pod2G must-not release iOS 5.1 untethered jailbreak as Apple will patch the exploit in the new software which is going to be iOS 6.

If Pod2G released the exploit right now in iOS 5.1 and didn’t wait, then the fun will be limited as Pod2G and iPhone Dev Team will start again to work and of course it will take months until they say a word about the release. So I think waiting until Apple release iOS 6 will be much better instead of losing Jailbreak.

So, should hackers continue work on the iOS 5.1 jailbreak and release it as soon as it’s done? Or, since 5.1 isn’t much of an upgrade from 5.0.1, should they wait for iOS 6? Well over 45,000 voters have turned out to answer the question. And here are the results.

Finally what answer you will say, do you agree with waiting to iOS 6 or releasing it now ?!


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