iPhone Tips and Tricks #10 Minor But Cool Tips

When we first purchase a new device we tend to be having some difficulty knowing our way around. Most of us do not go to read the manual unless we really have to but prefer to teach ourselves through trial and error. We’d like to tell you that you have been taking the long way round all that time on a couple of things and now we will show you the shortcut. Things will definately be easier and faster this way.


Scroll Left and Right By Tapping

In the bottom of the iPhone home screen, could you see the dots and the spyglass icons beyond the bottom of the page? These icons indicates the multiple pages you have and the spyglass icon indicates the Spotlight Search.

iphone tips and tricks

Naturally, most of the people swipe sideways to switch between the pages, yet you could do it in another way. Tapping; you could do it by tapping on the left or right of the dots you see in the bottom of the page. This also works wherever you see these dots, for example: Safari and the Weather app.

UP, Up and Quickly:

Have you ever been typing a long message to someone, scroll down your thousands of music mp3s or scrolling down a long page in Safari and you want to go to the top as fast as possible? That is EASY. 

You should not keep on scrolling up, up and up just to get to the top of the message or page you were browsing. The fastest way to the top is by tapping your finger once on the status bar (the bar which has the carrier, the clock, the battery…etc.) and it will take you all the way up in a second!


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