Saurik Releases New Update For Cydia To Remove April Fool’s Joke

If you are one of those regular Apple Jailbreak users and you keep yourself updated with latest news about Cydia then you may heard about a new holiday called April Fools’ Day and Saurik celebrates by this day by updating Cydia to a newer version where  the first day of April and is celebrated around the world with good-natured pranks and hoaxes. But apparently not everyone has a sense of humor…

So today Jay Freeman aka Saurik has just announced on his Twitter account saying that he has just released a new update for Cydia which is Cydia 1.1.6 in order to remove last year’s Twitter-inspired “dickbar” April Fools’ Day joke.

Saurik explains:
“For April Fools’ 2011, I did a Twitter-inspired “dickbar” in Cydia; I apparently never removed the code and it just checks for “April 1″. As many users just get confused and angry regarding Cydia’s April Fools’ jokes, I have pushed Cydia 1.1.6 (which removes the obsolete code).”

So right now I prefer and advice you to updated your current Cydia version to 1.1.6 in order to be able to install jailbreak tweaks or else.. All what you have to do right now is opening Cydia and go to “Changes” or “Timeline” then you will find “Cydia Installer” now updated it and then you are done.. Enjoy all

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