Vonage Rolls Out "High-Definition" VoIP Calling App

Vonage has introduced yet another app to its growing mobile arsenal. The latest, called Vonage Mobile (not to be confused with another app called Vonage Mobile, introduced in 2009) adds a Skype-esque component to the old app's VoIP calling component.

Users with Vonage Mobile installed can make "high-definition" audio calls or SMS-type text messages over Wi-Fi and 3G to other Vonage Mobile users. Users can also make low-cost international calls with credits added via In-App Purchasing.

Calls to landline or wireless numbers in the US, Canada or Puerto Rico, from anywhere in the world, are free for a limited time -- Vonage expects to charge around a penny per minute for those calls eventually. The company believes its higher call-quality and competitive pricing will allow it to stand apart from competing apps like Skype.

Vonage Mobile is available free from the App Store. [Direct Link]

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