Make Siri Have Less Lag For Older & Newer Devices

ver since Siri was announced, it has been one of the most hyped things in the Apple news world. From porting it to theming it, you’ve probably seen it all. If you have Siri on an older device using Spire, such as an iPod Touch, you’ve probably noticed that it’s a little laggy. We have a tweak to show you today that claims to reduce that lag and make Siri run smoother.

If you were to toggle Siri from anywhere, meaning the lock screen, home screen, or even in an app, Siri will open just like it’s shown above. Apparently, it loads Siri a noticeable amount quicker than the stock Siri/Spire running on older devices. We aren’t sure if it’s any faster for the iPhone 4S, but I will be doing a video comparison soon to show you the differences!


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