Best offer from Best Buy only $449 for wifi iPad 2

As we all know by now through the rumors spreading and image leakages that the new generation of iPad 3 is going to be released very soon. That is the reason why most of the retailers are trying to finish what they have of the iPad 2 and started to cut off prices so that people get interested to buy the iPad 2 before the release of the iPad 3.

Here is below the available offer from Best Buy for wifi iPad 2:


16GB WiFi iPad 2 for only $449, $50 off its regular price of $499.00

Through the rumors spread and the photos leaked through the different sources we had a clear idea about the features of the coming generation of iPad:

  • Dual core processor for iPad 3

  • 8 megapixel rear camera

  •  iPad 3 thickness more than iPad 2

  •  high resolution retina display

  •  Advanced logic board.

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