Unlock/ Activate iPhone 3GS Without Original Sim Card on 5.0.1 [How-To]

I think too many iPhone 3GS users are asking this question: “How To Unlock/Activate my iPhone 3GS without the original Sim card on 5.0.1 ?” Well that’s a very nice question and right now we have got for you the answer, today I will be glad to give you a little and easy guide showing you how to unlock and activate your iPhone 3GS without needing the original Sim card on 5.0.1… Guide below:

NOTE: Before we began this guide remember that doing the following steps may affect on your iPhone 3GS GPS, and really I wished to find any other way to avoid this error but unfortunately there’s no any other way to unlock iPhone 3GS except this way..

First let us see if you have the following requirement for your iPhoen 3GS in order to unlock and activate it:

  • Jailbroken iPhone 3GS

  • Download iOS 5.0.1 ipsw file [Direct link]

  • Redsn0w 0.9.10b5 [Download link]

Now let us began our guide:

STEP 1: Download Redsn0w 0.9.10b5 to jailbreak your iPhone 3GS [ Download link above]

STEP 2: Press “Next” button and as you are an iPhone 3GS user choose the “Install iPad baseband” when prompted. But remember deselect Cydia but do install iPad baseband if you have already jailbroken your device

STEP 3: Now Redsn0w should began jailbreaking your device and once done your device will be rebooted which means that you have successfully jailbroken your iPhone 3GS

STEP 4: Now open Cydia —>Manage —> Sources —>press on “Edit” and add the following repo: http://repo666.ultrasn0w.com

STEP 5: Now add this repo and after that search for “Ultrasn0w” install it, and now restart your iPhone and put any SIM card into your device.

STEP 6: Now repeat “STEP 4″ but only add the following repo: http://repo.bingner.com/

STEP 7: Now search for “SAM” & “SAMPrefs” and install them on your iPhone.

STEP 8: After that go to settings –> SAM and tap on “Deactivate iPhone”

STEP 9: Almost done, now simply connect your iPhone to iTunes and let it activate your iPhone 3GS without needing the original SIM card.

That’s it you are done and you have just unlocked and activated your iPhone 3GS without needing the original SIM card, I hope you all made the above steps in a right way and if you having any troubles during making the steps please feel free to ask me..

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