Swipe For Mail Is A Better Way To Check Email On iOS (Jailbreak Tweak)

ailbreak tweaks bring fluency to iOS. I know that sounds funny since iOS is already an extremely fluent software. The mail app is pretty self explanatory already, but what if it was even easier to look through your emails? Swipe For Mail makes that a little bit easier by allowing you to swipe through your emails.

Swipe For Mail has nothing to configure and no new apps on the springboard, it’s very simple. When you’re viewing an email and you want to go to the next one, simply swipe from right to left on the whole body of the email and you can go down the line through your emails. If you wanted to go back towards the first email in the inbox, swipe from left to right.

You can get Swipe For Mail for free in Cydia, just search the name as there are no repo’s needed. We have a few more tweaks coming your way that make things easier for you iOS users so stay tuned! In the meantime, check out Swipe For Mail in this video review.

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