In its upcoming debut, expected on March 9th, the new iOS 5.1 is said to have a huge bundle of new features. The list includes Japanese language support for Siri, a new camera slider on the home screen, and Siri support for iPad 3.
As for the camera, instead of double tapping the home button, which is sort of old fashion and more time consuming, the new camera slider is always present on the home screen to access the camera with just one slide around.
Reports that have leaked to iPhoneHellas indicates a new powerful memo taking gadget which will include bulleted lists, font color control ability, underlined text, and a lot more. Yet, the new vivid interface of the app and the ability to recognize hand writing are the most appealing features. Also, this new appearance is said to have new wallpapers in addition to the many other new enhancements. It is quite a leap in the development of the app as it almost has not changed since the first appearance of iPhone in 2007.
iOS 5.1 beta version has been in the market for a considerable time, though it did not point to any of the new features in the upcoming public release.
Can’t wait to have it!
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