SpeakEvent: Your iPhone Push Notification Will Come Alive With Voice [Jailbreak Tweak]

It’s a very boring thing when your iPhone push notification appears too many times in Facebook, Twitter, Mail or any other apps, and in my opinion it is a very bad thing when your iPhone notifications keep disturbing you every minute, so what should you do to ?! Well today we have got for you a new and awesome jailbreak tweak called “SpeakEvent” and it will makes you to love your iPhone push notifications…

When I saw this tweak on Cydia store I got amazed that there is such a beautiful tweak like this available in the Cydia store that makes your push notification alive with voice so that no more boring things, today you will be able to see your iPhone talking to you..

Just after you install the tweak on your iPhone go to your device settings and enable some things that you are in a need to hear them by the voice as shown in the photo above, in the tweak settings menu you will find that there is an option called “Speak App Event” tap on it and simply choose how many apps you want the voice to tell you when any notification happens, check out this photo after the jump that shows apps got marked on my iPhone..

I always dreamed with a tweak like this which will helps me in remembering me when my iPhone battery is low by hearing a sexy voice ;) , In fact this tweak is a very special one and I think everyone should download it on their devices, so if you are interested in this tweak you can get it for free from Cydia store.. Enjoy all and happy downloading

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