Take Photos Directly from Notification Center using SlyCam

How to Take Photos Directly from Notification Center? With every day passing, Jailbreak developers are releasing many amazing apps.Some of them are used to increase the efficiency while some just increase the elegance of your device such as Byta Font, a font changing app in Cydia or Winterboard to add different themes on iPhone.  Well, there is another class of apps which are just for fun or can be used to impress someone.

Today, we came across with such kind of an app which will allow you to snap pictures directly from the Notification center without even opening the camera app. This app is called slycam, and it can help you take photos immediately from Notification center.


As according to the developer of this widget:

Notification Center widget that lets you take photos covertly. Press the power button to preload the camera. Every press on the + button takes a photo.

This app basically has two options. One will add a similar preview of the camera in Notification so by taping a little plus button, it will take photo. Another options is the without preview. In which no preview is shown, however, by tapping the plus button, camera will take the photo.

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