Unlock iPhone 4S on 1.0.14, 1.0.13, 1.0.11 Baseband with TPSIM

How to unlock iPhone 4S on 1.0.14, 1.0.13, 1.0.11 baseband using TP SIM on iOS 5.0.1 / 5.0? Well, new talented Chinese team called ChinaSnow was managed to find the fist solution for iPhone 4S unlock on 1.0.14, 1.0.13 and 1.0.11 baseband (modem firmware) with a new hardware called TP SIM

TP SIM iPhone 4S unlock is looks like Gevey SIM that is being used to unlock iPhone 4. For who don't know that iPhone Dev-team is working on iPhone 4S unlock using ultrasn0w, they making good progress regarding this task. But for who can't wait for releasing ultrasn0w, they now can use TP SIM to unlock iPhone 4S.

Unlock iPhone 4S using TP SIM - Supported Basebands:

1.0.14 iOS 5.0.1 (Build 9A406)
1.0.13 iOS 5.0.1 (Build 9A405)
1.0.11 iOS 5.0 (Build 9A334)
unlock iPhone 4S on 1.0.14, 1.0.13, 1.0.11 baseband using TP SIM - Where to Buy?
Currently, iPhone 4S unlock with TPSIM is only available here for $85, I think it's still too expensive, so we recommend to wait few weeks and it will be sold for reasonable prices.

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