NCControl: Control Your iOS Device Through The Notification Center (Jailbreak Tweak)

The integration of the Notification Center in iOS 5 was by far one of the best things that ever happened for iOS devices. And with the iOS 5 jailbreak here, it opened up many options to improve such things with iOS 5. What we have for you today allows you to continue using the app you’re in when your Notification Center even when it’s pulled down and in use.

The tweak is called NCControl and as we mentioned, you can still use the app you are in even when the Notification Center is in use. Let’s say you are texting a friend and you are awaiting their reply. You decide to pull down the Notification Center to see the weather and instantaneously your friend replies. As long as the Notification Center is blank in that area where the keyboard would be, you could type back and send off the message. Same thing with other apps such as Twitter, settings, etc.

Only downside to this tweak is that you can navigate the springboard when the Notification Center is pulled down. Who knows, maybe the developer will fix that in an update. Then you will literally be able to use almost your whole iOS device while using the Notification Center. So what are you waiting for? Go check out this tweak in Cydia. After all, it is completely free! Here’s a quick video showing off NCControl.


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