How To Create Custom Zeppelin Logos

With the release of Zeppelin, everyone has wanted their own custom logos. But only themers knew where and how to put them into Zeppelin. Today we bring to you a tutorial showing you how to make your own custom Zeppelin logos correctly! It’s very simple, just make sure you have Zeppelin already downloaded in Cydia.

Here’s the easiest way to create and add your own custom Zeppelin logos:

Download an SSH program such as DiskAid for your Mac or PC and plug in your device.
Go to the root partition and navigate to /Library/Zeppelin/.
Drag the six files within one of the default packs so you can use those as a template.
Edit your own logo and resize it to fit the pre-made templates.
Save them as a the same PNG filenames of the six files and then drag them into a folder.
Put the folder back in the /Library/Zeppelin/ directory.
You’re done! If needed, do a respring and you will be all set.

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