New Apple TV Contains 8GB of Flash Storage And 512MB of RAM

If you are an Apple fanboy and already watched Apple’s media event which was on March 17th Apple introduced two devices which are The New iPad and 1080p new Apple TV and as we all know in the couple few weeks we all have been talking too much about the new iPad and that it has A5x processor and we already showed you a video comparison between the iPad 2 and The New iPad. Today we have got our hands on the new 1080p Apple TV and we also have got it’s features..

Today an regular user from forum shared a photo for the new Apple TV from inside showing too many great things that you will be glad when hearing it.. According to the teardown the new Apple TV contains 8GB of flash storage and 512MB of RAM, You’d think Apple would have upgraded the storage beyond 8GB to handle larger 1080p video files, but Cupertino-based Apple chose to stay with Toshiba’s drive.

The older Apple TV had 256MB of RAM which makes the new Apple TV much more better than the older Apple TV… So are you going to buy the new Apple TV or not ?! Of course I will buy it but just waiting when I there will be any available jailbreak for it and of course I hope it be Untethered..


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