Apple Launches New iPad In 25 More Countries Today

The New iPad is all that Apple lovers around the world want these days. Apple announced the tablet on March 7 and it has proved be a huge hit already. Apple initially launched the device in 10 countries on March 16, but starting today the New iPad will be available in an additional 25 countries.

Apple’s third generation tablet initially received very mixed reviews from the public. Much of this was attributed to the fact that the New iPad looks exactly like the iPad 2. The only changes that have been made are those under the hood. The New iPad comes with a dualcore A5X processor and 1GB of RAM. There’s a quadcore gaming chip, 4G LTE support, 5 megapixel iSight camera and a gorgeous Retina Display. Actually, it is the Retina Display which happens to be a strong selling point for Apple’s latest tablet.

Regardless of that, Apple claims that it has sold a record number of New iPad units during it’s first weekend in the 10 initial launch countries. By these numbers, the New iPad is Apple’s fastest selling tablet yet. Apparently the company sold over 3 million units on the first weekend in the aforementioned 10 countries.

Now the second stage of availability begins. Residents of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Macau, Mexico, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden will be able to purchase a New iPad from retail stores in their respective countries. Apple lovers in these countries will no doubt be excited and we will obviously see huge lines of prospective buyers out retail stores in all of the countries mentioned above.

It can be safely said that the figure of 3 million units will increase tenfold once deliveries and sales begin in these countries. Tell us, are you going to get a New iPad as well?


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