If you are an old jailbreaker user then you currently heard about Installous 4, it’s a very useful jailbreak tweak which allows Apple users to easily download any app from the App Store without needing to pay for it, yeah any app games, Musics, Books, everything you need to download from the App Store will be downloaded for free by using Installous 4.. In fact everyone love Installous 4 as it gives us everything we want so today and for those guys who are new in iOS 5.1 we will show you how to install Installous 4 on 5.1 jailbroken iPhone 4/iPad or iPod.
Today we have got for you a new little and easy guide which will show you how to easily install Installous 4 on your iPhone running on iOS 5.1…
If you haven’t yet jailbroken your iPhone you can use Sn0wbreeze v.2.9.2 for Windows users (Tethered) guide posted here OR you can use Redsn0w 0.9.10b6 (Tethered) guide posted here Now let us began our guide..
STEP 1: Simply tap on Cydia and go to — Manage—> Sources.
STEP 2: Now tap on “Edit” button then add the following repo in order to get Installous 4 package. REPO: http://cydia.hackulo.us
STEP 3: Now and after you installed the above repo.. Simply search for Installous 4 package and install it on your jailbroken device, that’s it you are done.
But just for your info this repo consider as it’s illegal, but sometimes illegal things is good . Enjoy all.
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