iPhone 5 To Feature 4.6-inch Display (RUMOR)

iPad 3 rumors are over now, but iPhone 5 rumors will just begin. Whether it’s named iPhone 5 or the new iPhone,  Reuters relays rumor from a South Korean newspaper which claims that Apple’s next iPhone will feature a 4.6-inch display.

We have seen lots of rumors about the upgraded screen size for the next generation iPhone but all claimed a 4-inch screen not 4.6. We have seen many Android devices using the 4-inch screen such as Samsung Galaxy S II.

Only the Samsung Galaxy Nexus device features 4.65-inch screen. Below is a picture (via TheVerge) showing the Galaxy Nexus of 4.65-inch screen compared to the iPhone 4S of 3.5-inch screen.

The larger screen has been a much-wanted feature since the release of the iPhone 4S and even before
Apple has decided on the bigger 4.6-inch display for its next iPhone and started placing orders to its suppliers, the Maeil Business Newspaper said, quoting an unnamed industry source.

Would you prefer a 4.6-inch screen? or the more claimed 4-inch screen would be enough?




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