Samsung's VP for Design Offended by Apple's Allegations of Copying

Reuters profiles Samsung Electronics and their design process in the setting of Apple's ongoing legal battle accusing Samsung of "slavishly copying" Apple's products.

Samsung Mobile's vice president for design Lee Minhyouk takes Apple's charges personally and denies the allegations:

"I've made thousands of sketches and hundreds of prototype products (for the Galaxy). Does that mean I was putting on a mock show for so long, pretending to be designing?"

"As a designer, there's an issue of dignity. (The Galaxy) is original from the beginning, and I'm the one who made it. It's a totally different product with a different design language and different technology infused."

Lee admits that he may not be at the level of Apple's VP for design Jonathan Ive, but believes Samsung "will produce such iconic products one day."

Samsung has proven to be the largest Android smartphone manufacturer and one of Apple's biggest competitors. Samsung is also one of Apple's biggest suppliers and the manufacturer of Apple's 3rd Generation iPad's Retina Display. Apple and Samsung are in an ongoing legal battle over design and patent claims.

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