Siri New Update In iOS 5.1 Comes With Deeper Yelp Integration

Let us go back with time when Apple introduced Siri for the iPhone 4S which made a big deal for Apple users where too many people bought the iPhone 4S especially for having a chance to talk with Siri voice feature and from a few weeks ago Apple introduced The New iPad which also introduced Siri feature in it.. Also Tim Cook said that Siri on iOS 5.1 have too many great features like supporting Japaneses, French and more but by the time we discover that there is some hidden things have just appeared.. It looks like that iOS 5.1 also brought deeper Yelp integration to the digital assistant.

Siri has always returned Yelp-rated businesses on a number of queries, but tapping those results haven’t always taken you straight to the Yelp application. Well, now it does… Also today the folks at 9to5Mac reported that Yelp published a blog post yesterday announcing its new Siri functionality:
“Well, last week, Apple launched iOS 5.1 and with it, an updated Siri and Yelp integration on iPhone. Now when searching for a recommendation on local businesses, Siri will return Yelp-reviewed businesses and when you tap the star rating (BOOM!) you are immediately taken to the Yelp business profile page. Oh, the places you’ll go.. now that you’ll have faster access to Yelp review highlights, quick tips, hours of operation, address, phone number, photos — the list goes on.”

This feature is not a big deal but it looks like that there is still too many feature still hidden and need someone to discover it and that’s what developers are doing in these few days, what third-party app would like to see integrated into Siri ?! Share your thoughts.


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