Opera Mini for iOS Updated With Improved YouTube Integration

Opera Mini is a very good web browser and has been very popular with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch users alike. Now, the team at Opera have now updated the Opera Mini browser for iOS with improved YouTube integration among some new features.

Why is Opera Mini for iOS so popular? Here's why:
Keep Opera Mini handy on your iOS device, especially for those unavoidable times you are on a slow crowded network, away from Wi-Fi or when data roaming. Opera's powerful servers compress data by up to 90% before downloading, so page loads are lightning fast.

The new versions comes with improved YouTube video integration, a single column view has been added. The Opera mobile store icon has been added to Speed Dial list and various font-related issues have also been fixed alongside stability issues and general bugs and performance fixes.

Download Opera Mini 6.0.1 for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.

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